Most people resolve to eat better, be healthy and workout more but those resolutions usually fade fast and are on the list again come the next year. Here are 5 steps to make THIS YEAR, YOUR YEAR FOR SUCCESS!!
Step #1 - Focus on adding more good instead of cutting out the bad
I don’t know about you but whenever I tell myself that I’m not going to eat “blank” anymore. All I can think about is “blank”. It almost becomes obsessive! Even if “blank” isn’t something I am passionate about like chocolate or wine, the thought of eliminating it makes me desire it even more!
This phenomenon actually has scientific evidence and is called the Ironic process theory or the white bear problem. “It refers to the psychological process whereby deliberate attempts to suppress certain thoughts make them more likely to surface. An example is how when someone is actively trying not to think of a white bear they may actually be more likely to imagine one.”
"Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute."
— Fyodor Dostoevsky, Winter Notes on Summer Impressions, 1863
So, when we make efforts to NOT eat certain foods, we end up creating more of a problem for ourselves.
Instead, place your focus on adding in more of the good - dark leafy greens, lean protein, whole grains, healthy fats etc into your diet.
The idea is that you crowd out the bad by filling up with the good and you don’t put yourself into a white bear situation.
Step #2 - Attach new habits to existing habits
Trying to establish a new workout routine can be frustrating. We often declare “This year I’m going to workout more!” This doesn’t work. Here’s what often happens:
Your alarm goes off early in the morning so you can go to the gym, you press snooze so many times that you’ll be late for work if you go. But that’s ok because you decide you’ll exercise after work. But you’re tired once you get home from work so you decide that you will go to the gym after dinner. Dinner is over but it’s dark and cold outside and all you want to do is put on your pj’s and sit in front of the fire - so you do. This happens for several days, it becomes your regular habit and your resolutions go out the window.
You must attach your new exercising habit to an old habit. For instance, your existing habit at work is to have your lunch and then run errands. Try changing your routine and attaching your new workout habit to your lunch hour. So, during your lunch break you go to the gym for 20-30 minutes then eat your lunch. Your habit is that you eat lunch - attach your workout to it.
Another example would be to drive directly to the gym after work instead of coming home. Attaching your new habit to getting in the car after work.
Another example would be if you get up in the morning and have a coffee while you read emails and surf the web. You can change this habit and attach your new workout habit to your coffee. So instead, you drink your coffee and find 10 minute YouTube workout video and exercise before work. Attaching your daily workout to your daily coffee.
The key is to attach your workout to a consistent daily habit so that you don’t have to “decide” when you are going to workout. You already know. Have your clothes ready in advance. Get some music that fires you up and do it. You do not want to have to decide each day when you are going to workout - cause you just won’t.
Step #3 - Write Your Goals Down and Look At Them Daily
You have heard this a thousand times but it’s true. You must focus on what you want on a daily basis otherwise it’s out of your mind. I suggest putting pictures that inspire you on your bathroom mirror or writing positive affirmation statements that repeat to yourself daily. This will drive you toward the goals you want.
Step #4 - Have Accountability
There is nothing like having a workout partner to keep you on track. It’s one thing to let yourself down, it’s a “whole-nother” thing to let down your partner.
An accountability partner can be one person that you go to the gym with or it can be a Personal Trainer or it can be a fitness class. If people are depending on you to show up, you are much more likely to do it!!!
Step #5 - Use a Proven System
If you have been making the same resolutions over and over again every year with no results, you might want to invest in a proven system that WORKS! You need a step-by-step plan that will guide you to where you want to go.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If you haven’t achieved your health and fitness goals and it REALLY IS important to you then find a program or a professional who has the expertise and get their advice.
This could mean investing in a Personal Trainer; finding a fitness club that offers exercise classes and nutrition or hiring a Weight Loss Coach. You need someone who has the tools that will help you hit your goals.
Registration is now open for my 28-Day LOVE YOUR BODY Transformation Program. If you are interested in making this year THE YEAR that you HIT YOUR GOALS then check out the testimonies and program details at
Don’t miss this opportunity. The doors will close Saturday January 13, 2018 at midnight.
I look forward to helping you rock out your goals!!!