Why You Should Sit Less & 25 Ways To Move More

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I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “sitting is the new smoking”.  And perhaps, like me, you thought it doesn’t really apply to you because you exercise daily.  Well, guess again!

Research is showing that even if you work out daily, that is NOT enough!  YIKES!

How harmful is sitting anyways?  

The latest research shows that long periods of sitting is linked to an increase in:

  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • anxiety
  • obesity
  • metabolic syndrome

A recent Canadian Fitness Survey study looked at the mortality over a 12-year period of 7,278 men and 9,735 women (18 to 90 years of age).

The researchers declared that there is a strong association between sitting and mortality risk from all causes of death (cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease, injuries, violence, mental disease, nervous system illnesses, and digestive system disorders) even with physically active individuals!

The surprising and important finding from this large study is that physical activity does not cancel out the ill effects of too much sitting.

What classifies as a long period of sitting?

Surprisingly, anything over 30 minutes!!  Research shows that staying still for 60-90 minutes makes the harmful effects even worse!  When you sit your body’s metabolic processes simply stall.  Everything kicks back into action when you move.

Here’s what cardiology experts are saying “no amount of physical activity is enough to combat the dangerous health effects of sitting for hours each day”  

Exercising daily does NOT negate the effects of too much sitting.  The cure for too much sitting is not more exercise, it’s less sitting and more moving.

The new mantra:  Sit Less, Move More


So, just because you’ve exercised today doesn’t mean you’re done.  Be mindful of how sedentary you are throughout your day.

How can you move more?

One easy idea is to set alarms on your phone reminding you to move.

Another idea is using the Pomodoro timer.  This technique is actually designed to increase focus and productivity but it is a perfect remedy for sitting less.

Apps like the Focus Keeper will encourage you to work for 25 minutes then break for 5 minutes.  The idea is to enhance your focus and prevent burnout but it’ll make you move too!

What can you do to add more movement to your day?

Here are 25 ways to move more:

  1. Get a Fitbit or a device that counts your steps and aim for at least 10,000
  2. Walk around (maybe tidy your house) during tv commercial breaks
  3. Take a walk after dinner
  4. Park farther away when you are out in your car
  5. Walk the stairs a few times before you sit at a movie theatre
  6. Walk around when you are watching your kids play a sport
  7. Calf raises while standing in the kitchen cooking/washing dishes
  8. Use a Ball instead of a chair at work
  9. Use the stairs instead of the elevator
  10. Take a walking break during or after your lunch break
  11. Do push-ups at your desk
  12. Have walking meetings or coffee dates
  13. Do squats while you wait for your coffee to brew (thank you April for that one!)
  14. Walk to your co-worker’s desk instead of emailing them
  15. Use the bathroom farthest away
  16. Stand up every time you drink your coffee or water
  17. If taking the bus or train, get off at the stop before yours
  18. Do leg extensions at your desk
  19. Stand up and do jumping jacks
  20. Do a wall sit while chatting on the phone
  21. Walk more to places instead of driving
  22. Roll out of bed in the morning onto the floor and do some crunches
  23. After answering emails do some tricep dips on your chair
  24. Do some yoga while on a conference call (thank you, Jody for that one!)
  25. Do knee raises while texting

Once you get the creative juices flowing, you’ll find lots of ways to add movement to your daily routine.

The take-home lesson - move every 30 minutes.  Your health depends on it!