My Desperate Detox Experience

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For many years I suffered from severe IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) always searching for remedies to ease my chronic pain and discomfort. 


I tried everything.  Even colonics - yep - I was that desperate.


So, in my attempts to feel better I experimented with cleanses and detoxes in hopes of relief!


I can remember doing one program in particular - an Elderberry Cleanse.  When I did this program, I was still living at home so I roped my poor parents into doing the program with me.  And because they are so supportive and loving - they obliged.


It was 10 days straight of fasting, no food at all.  All we were allowed to do was drink Elderberry Juice and water.  That’s it - seriously - for 10 days!  EXTREME!


Looking back at the experience, I’m actually surprised we followed through.   


Normally, I am the type of person who can’t go more than a few hours without eating.  If I go past the hungry phase and enter the “hangry” phase, it gets ugly.  Nobody should be around me at that point.  My husband calls me “Tash-a-saurus Rex” and starts throwing peanuts at me just to make me eat!!


So, this cleanse was tough.  I spent much of the time laying down because I felt so awful.  We were in severe caloric deprivation.  None of us had much energy. 

I recently asked my Mom what she remembers about the program her words were “torture” and “horrible”.


It wasn’t as bad for my Dad.  He can go FOREVER without eating.  What a weirdo :)  


Side note - I remember when I was younger and working on the farm with my Dad.  We would be way out in the fields on the tractors FAR past lunch time and my Dad was in the zone - happily working not even thinking about food.  Not me, food would be all I could think about.  I would get so hungry and frustrated I’d stomp off yelling at him that I needed to eat, leaving him there bewildered at why I was so mad!


My Dad actually liked the Elderberry juice - again what a weirdo.  My Mom and I started out liking the juice too but after Day Two it was gag-city when we had to chug it down.  Water was actually preferable but to keep the hunger pains at bay we drank that disgusting juice.


By the end of the Elderberry cleanse, I was happy to never see or taste Elderberry ever again in my entire life.  My Dad however, happily drank the leftover Elderberry juice after the cleanse was over - WEIRD-O.


I have experimented with many cleanses and detoxes and one thing is for sure - they are hard.  And another thing is also for sure - they are not necessarily the answer to good health.


None of us benefited from the Elderberry Cleanse.  There were no lasting health improvements.  It did not help my IBS. 


Doing a detox or a cleanse should promote optimal health and well-being.  I certainly didn’t feel well or optimal while starving and gagging on Elderberry juice.  


This is why I created the 3-Day Do-Able Detox.  The goal of this program is to feel well (during and after the detox) and to enhance your body’s health and well-being.


Beside having IBS, there are many other reasons why someone may choose to do a detox. 


Spring is a perfect time to “clean-up” our bad habits and get back on track with healthy eating.


Summer is just around the corner so cleansing our diets and slimming down our bodies is a common goal.


During the 3-Day Do-Able Detox we focus on:

  • Whole Foods

  • Healthy Habits that you can and will enjoy doing AFTER the detox is over.  

  • Plus, you’ll receive some delicious recipes and great snack ideas!


This program is FREE but only for a short time.  After April 29th the price will go to $37.  


Don’t wait!  Check out


I’d love to see you in the program!


Feel free to share your experience with detoxes in the comments below!