A FitBit Addiction

Ok, it’s true.  I am addicted to wearing my Fitbit!  I feel naked without it.  There have been several times when I have been walking to school to pick up my kids and suddenly I realize I don’t have my Fitbit on.  I literally have an overwhelming feeling to sit down and stop walking.  It’s come to the point that it feels senseless to walk if I am not accumulating steps.  Is anybody with me?

My Fitbit is the Charge HR.  I absolutely love it.  I love that I can see my calorie burn, my sleep and all the aspects of my workout.  But secretly, there is one thing I love best about my Charge HR.  It sends me love messages.  As soon as I unplug it from the charger it says “go for it” or “i like u” or “let’s do it”.  It’s my silent cheerleader that pushes me to get moving!

I also love my Fitbit Tribe!  There is a lot of motivation that comes from a Workweek Hustle or a Daily Showdown when my group of Fitbit friends put out a challenge.  For all my office working peeps, I have a few tips on getting steps while sitting at your desk.  And no, it’s not cheating!  You are still burning calories and making your body move!  

Check out the video below.  With 5 moves you can get 600+ steps in only 5 minutes without leaving your desk!!

So, here’s to our fitness trackers.  May they motivate us, love us and connect us with like-minded friends

So, when you're on your next conference call or reading emails perform each move for one minute: 

. 1)  Arm Swings - Sit tall in your chair with arms by your side and swing your arms like you are marching.

. 2)  Speed Bag - bring your arms to shoulder level, bend elbows and spin your fists around each other.

. 3)  Horizontal scissors - extend arms straight in front of your body at shoulder level, cross right arm over left then bring them apart and cross left arm over right - repeat.

. 4)  Tricep Kickbacks - hip hinge in your chair, extend arms behind you, bend elbows and then straighten arms and repeat. It helps to squeeze the back of your arms to engage triceps.

. 5)  Alternating Punches - Sit tall in your chair with your abs engaged and punch right arm across body then left arm.